Logo pour Ireland Belgium Business Association (IBBA), la Chambre de Commerce Belgo-Irlandaise
The Ireland Belgium Business Association (IBBA) is a non-profit organisation aiming to facilitate business networking between member companies and individuals in the Belgian and Irish business communities. It works closely with Belgian and Irish state
agencies and the broader Belgian and Irish business communities in Belgium.
Logo pour Air TransportAction Group (ATAG)
The Air TransportAction Group (ATAG) is a highly respected not-for-profit association that represents all sectors of the air transport industry. It is the only global industry-wide body to bring together all aviation industry players so that they can speak with one voice – and it works to promote aviation’s sustainable growth for the benefit of our global society.
Logo pour European Technology Platform for Sustainable Mineral Resources.
European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources (ETP SMR) is an Association of subjects operating in the Mineral Resources Industry at a wide scale (coal, metal ores, industrial minerals, ornamental stones, aggregates, smelters as well as technology suppliers and engineering companies) in different sectors along the value chain, from exploration to extraction, processing, recycling. ETP SMR is covering the entire range of mineral resources production in Europe. However, the production and tailored provision of mineral raw materials needs more than exploitation and/or recycling. Technology and knowledge is the key to success. Therefore, ETP SMR has also integrated many of Europe’s very strong equipment and technology providers. Those organisations are usually part of every development process and necessary to be successful