Brochures pour The European Confederation of Directors Associations.
The European Confederation of Directors’ Associations (ecoDa)is a not-for-profit association founded in December 2004. Its objective is to represent the views of company directors from EU member states to corporate governance policy-makers at EU level.
Dépliant pour un parc animalier en Afrique du Sud.
Enjoy some privileged moments with our white lions in a private 3.000 hectares game reserve, nestled in the deep heart of Waterberg. Wildlife and unspoiled nature await you for a restful break away from civilization, for an unforgettable experience of the bushveld.
Plaquette pour la chambre de commerce Eurochambres (the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry).
EUROCHAMBRES is the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry. The association is one of the largest business representative organisation in Brussels, representing over 20 million companies through 45 members and a European network of 1,700 regional and local Chambers. About 98% of these enterprises are SMEs. Eurochambres’ direct members are national associations of Chambers of Commerce based in 26 EU countries, EFTA countries, and some Eastern European, Western Balkans and Mediterranean countries. Eurochambres represents, serves and promotes European Chambers of Commerce and Industry through lobbying, development of projects and services to members.